Roadmap/ Forecast/ Hopes :)
2018-10-18 14:45:24 UTC
Howdy List,

surprise, its me again ;).

I want to talk about plans and roadmaps.
We concentrate on making the most basic desktop opperations accessible

The next importaint Tasks are:
1. missing a11y labes in default start menu
2. keyboard for default start menu navigation needs improvement
3. task switcher (alt + tab) is not accessible

i start fixing the missing a11y labels on the default start menu.

My plan (hope) is to get the list aboe fixed to the next major plasma release.

Are here people arround who wanna help working on KDEs a11y? Maybe
someone wants to do some pioneer work :) and write something down to
the wiki? or wants set some a11y labels or keyboar navigation? QML is
pretty easy. that said. think about and join ;)!

I read a mail from Frederik about the project structure. ( i didnt get
this message somehow), what i want to answer here inline as well
I wonder if anyone wants to be project manager, I'm not very good at
that personally.
Sure i can do that if nothing against?
I wrote a quick blog post as well. http://blogs.fsfe.org/gladhorn/2018/10/14/
awsome blog post :)!
1) Getting Orca started
I think this is about some research, confirming that it works with
the shortcut. In a later stage it would be even better to get it
integrated with the login screen (both sddm or the gnome login - gdm
should be possible to get to work). But I'd keep things simple at
first, let's make sure users can get to Orca after login. Let's
collect issues and get them sorted out.
This works like an charm to me. i use it a lot for my tests. Also the
checkbox in the a11y settings works.
the login screen is no priority i think. GDM is alread providing this
feature. there is also startx.
2) Break down the Plasma issues
There will be a lot of small and big problems. I think we should try
to sort them in some form. Maybe it would be good to work towards
enabling some workflows at first. What are the most important things
you'd like to do? Where are the blockers. Over time this can
encompass more and more, but we need to start somewhere.
i fully agree with that. Basic operations first. Desktop, Task
switcher and start menu should be priority.
another thing. I m very thankful for your and heinĀ“s help and trust.
chees chrys
